Friday, April 11, 2008

Agenbite of Inuit

A ball of lightning descended on the chilly northern tundra and enveloped a woman briefly, giving her shamanic powers of healing.

She healed everyone's colds. She healed a dog. She healed a seal that someone had just stabbed to death and it rolled itself back into the water and swam away.


She healed a crack in the ice. She healed a fishing hole.

"Stop that."

She healed an igloo and it turned back into natural ice, leaving the inhabitants shivering in the open air.

"Knock it off."

She healed the sea, which was wounded by the land, and the whole world became sea. She healed the land, which was wounded by the sea, and the whole world became land. Everyone was drowned then buried.

"Right, that is it."

"Sorry! Sorry!"

There was no end to the healing.

The very brief story of Uvavnuk.

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