Monday, April 7, 2008


The Nile went up, the Nile went down, and so the crops were watered.

"Marvellous," said the Ancient Egyptians. "It happened again. Hooray for the king."

They believed it was the king doing it, with his godlike powers. The king believed it as well. Everyone did. Even the crocodiles believed it. One crocodile believed that the regular motions of the water were making his teeth hurt, and he went to the king to ask him to stop.

"I'll tell you what I can do for you," the king said, leaning down graciously. "I can have your brains pulled out of your nose with a hook. Then we'll stuff your internal organs in jars and you can stay in my pyramid with me after I'm dead. How does that sound?"

"No thank you."

"You're very picky."

"I'm not picky," the crocodile said. "I like my privacy, that's all."

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