Monday, April 28, 2008

Modern inconveniences: greedy griots

The woman gave a griot money and in exchange he sang a song in her honour, telling her that she was wonderful, that her husband was handsome, and that her son would one day be rich and take care of his mother in her old age.

So it came to pass.

The griot, hearing that his song had come true, returned to the woman and said: Give me twice as much money again or I'll sing the opposite.


So the griot sang the opposite. Then the son lost all of his money in an email scam, the husband fell into a vat of boiling beer, and the woman woke one day to discover that she was not wonderful after all.

Arrest that griot! she told the authorities.

But the authorities backed away, saying, No, thank you, no, he might put that curse on us as well, no.

The woman roared.

You modern men! How can you believe in that superstitious rubbish!


She gave the griot his money.

Now piss off!

He did.

I'll never believe in the authorities again!

She never did.

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